The Best Teething Toys for Puppies in Holmdel, NJ

As dog owners, we want to make each phase of their lives as easy and pain-free as possible. This is especially true when our puppies start teething around three weeks.  And then again when, at around twelve weeks, their “milk or baby teeth” fall out and are replaced by permanent ones. By six or seven months, a puppy typically has all of its “adult teeth.”  During this entire process, owners often look to toys to relieve their beloved pups. Toys, in fact, are preferable to our hands and feet, which puppies seem all too eager to accept as playthings. And
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Reasons for Anxiety in Cats in Holmdel, NJ

If you have an anxious cat, you may find yourself wondering what caused her to become so anxious. Whether your cat has been anxious from day one or she’s recently developed more anxiety in her life, it’s important to get to the bottom of what’s going on. You can use our Holmdel, NJ, animal hospital‘s article to learn the reasons for your cat’s anxiety and when it might be time to talk to your vet about their mental health needs. Separation Anxiety Separation anxiety is one of the most common causes of anxiety in cats. Although many pet owners tend
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General Anxiety in Dogs in Holmdel, NJ

Do you have an anxious dog? Have you ever heard of general anxiety in dogs? If you think your dog is dealing with anxiety, what should you do for her? Is there any way to treat or manage this condition in your pet? If you find yourself asking these questions, don’t worry—you’re not alone. In the article below, you’ll find a quick rundown of information to help you better understand general anxiety in dogs. You can use our Holmdel, NJ, animal hospital‘s guide to determine when it might be time to talk to your vet about your pet’s mental health
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Dog DNA Tests in Holmdel, NJ: Are They Worth It?

Have you ever seen a commercial or an online ad for one of the many dog DNA tests out there? Maybe you know someone who tried this for their own dog, or maybe you’ve been recommended it by a friend or family member. If any of this is true of you, then you may find yourself wondering just how beneficial this type of testing can really be. Below, you’ll find a quick breakdown of information to help you better understand dog DNA tests. You’ll learn what they test, how useful they really are, and what, if anything, they can tell
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