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Pet Tips for a Safe Holiday Season

The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, but it’s also a period when pet owners need to be extra vigilant to ensure their animal companions remain safe and happy. At Bayshore Veterinary Hospital in Holmdel, NJ, we are dedicated to helping you navigate the festive season with your pets in the safest way possible. In this blog, we’ll explore key tips and advice to keep your furry family members safe and sound.     Understanding the Importance of Pet Safety During the Holidays The holidays bring a host of changes to our usual routines, which can impact
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10 Cat Allergy Symptoms

If you’re a cat owner in Holmdel, NJ, understanding your cat’s health is crucial. Today, we’re focusing on a common concern: cat allergies. Identifying allergy symptoms early can lead to quicker, more effective treatment. Remember, while this guide is informative, it’s always best to consult your veterinarian for your cat’s health needs. Call us at (732) 671-3110 for expert advice or to make an appointment.     Understanding Cat Allergies: What Every Pet Owner Should Know Cat allergies can be tricky to recognize. They often mimic other conditions, making it essential to know what to look out for. Allergies in
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Causes and Treatment of Hot Spots in Dogs

What Are Hot Spots on Dogs? We know you love your fur babies as much as we do, and we’re here to help you keep them as healthy as possible. Today, we’re discussing the topic of hot spots on dogs, particularly focusing on those pesky spots that can appear on the toes and paw pads. So if you notice your dog excessively licking or biting its paws, read on to find out why this may be happening and what you can do about it. Remember, for personalized advice, give Bayshore Veterinary Hospital a call at (732) 671-3110. Identifying Hot Spots
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Understanding and Managing Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Separation anxiety in dogs can be a challenging issue for both pets and their owners. Recognizing the signs of this condition is the first step in addressing it effectively. Here are some common indicators to watch for: Excessive Vocalization: Does your dog bark or howl excessively when left alone? This could be a sign of separation anxiety. Destructive Behavior: Dogs with separation anxiety often engage in destructive behaviors like chewing furniture, scratching doors, or digging. House Soiling: In some cases, a dog may urinate or defecate inside the house when they’re left alone, even if they are usually house-trained. Pacing
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